AMERICA'S HOMECOMING: AmericasHomecoming_05-copy

Competitors in the adult division of a “Grease The Pig” contest attempt to be the first to catch a pig while playing field games at the Emmitsburg Community Heritage Day in Emmitsburg, Maryland on June 26, 2021. The contest, often found at agricultural fairs and festivals, involves covering a pig with vegetable oil or shortening, making it slippery and difficult to catch. The heritage day was a full day of activities including the field games organized by the local Lions Club, a parade and fireworks. Organizers describe the theme of the day as a celebration of “Small Town America.”

Competitors in the adult division of a “Grease The Pig” contest attempt to be the first to catch a pig while playing field games at the Emmitsburg Community Heritage Day in Emmitsburg, Maryland on June 26, 2021. The contest, often found at agricultural fairs and festivals, involves covering a pig with vegetable oil or shortening, making it slippery and difficult to catch. The heritage day was a full day of activities including the field games organized by the local Lions Club, a parade and fireworks. Organizers describe the theme of the day as a celebration of “Small Town America.”